I offer music mastering on a pay-what-you-can scale, with an emphasis on being affordable/accessible. As a guideline you might pay £10 per track/song, but whatever works for you is fine by me – no judgement.

If you’re interested, reach out to me at jack[at]attnmagazine.co.uk with MASTERING in the subject line and we can talk more.

“Jack gets my highest possible recommendation for all your mastering needs across a wide spectrum of styles. They will make your tracks achieve their full sonic potential and sound awesome. They are great at helping you identify how you want your final tracks to sound and is particularly helpful if, like me, you struggle with articulation about music and the technical side. They always keep you up to date on progress and turns things around ahead of time.”
Charlie Butler

“I highly recommend Jack Chuter’s mastering services. Not only do I appreciate Jack’s keen ear and discerning sensibilities as an audio engineer, I’m also grateful for their willingness to answer questions about the more esoteric aspects of mastering. As we talked over the course of my project (an album of experimental ambient and noise compositions), we explored aspects of sound I hadn’t considered before. Our conversations were rich and varied, with many musical threads to follow. The final masters are wonderful; the experience of working together was illuminating and fun. Thanks so much, Jack!”
Angela Winter

Examples of previous mastering work:

Haq123 – Inside The Tower Of The Harbourless Harbour Master

Angela Winter – Frost

DAFAKE – Les Miniscules

Selman – Hyperstability (Hard Return)

Neutraliser – Capsule Bowed Space (Cruel Nature)

Sun Yizhou – 毁了 (Ruin) (Brachliegen Tapes)

Charlie Butler – Total Wipeout (Panurus Productions)

Audjoins – Light Breaks In (We, Here And Now!)

Wave Debb – A Journey Around My Room (beauty and disgust recordings)

QNDFK – Engulf