Review: Rachel Musson – Ashes and Dust, Earth and Sky, LLudw a Llwch, Daear a Nef Portals between the city and West Wales for saxophone, flutes, field recordings and other materials.
Crucial Listening #148: Rosa Anschütz Caught by howling, three people at the 2pm concert, vivid colour changes. The Berlin-based singer and artist discusses three important albums.
Review: A-Sun Amissa – Ruins Era We are, unequivocally, within a world too burned and broken to indulge any residual hopes of repair.
Crucial Listening #147: francisco lópez Post-apocalyptic industrial environments, pseudo-music, twisted proto-typicalities. The sound artist and experimental musician discusses three important albums.
Crucial Listening #146: Dhangsha The dirt aesthetic, non-relinquishable frequencies, opening up that filter. The London-based sound artist and "mutant dancehall" practitioner discusses three important albums.
Review: Ensemble 1 – Delay Works Spiralling 6/8 hypnosis for guitar, drums, bass. Always back to the start, never losing power.